So the secret is out, as of May, I will be moving to London, England! I am beyond excited and this is something I have talked about doing for years and years. I even had a plan that when I was old, I would buy a house with my inheritance in London and then I wouldn’t finally be able to live there. Which is sad, that I was so scared of disappointing those around me, I was going to wait until everyone was dead until I could live my dream. Pretty grim.
Then I had an epiphany, some may say mid-life crisis, and thought that I should live the life I want to live, not one that others want me to live. We only get one life and I didn’t want to live with regrets. Perhaps, it was my wild Sagittarius qualities that cannot be repressed; But I booked that one-way ticket!

Why are we Moving to London
The past year or two, I started feeling like I was waiting my entire year just for 3 weeks of travel because during those 3 weeks I got to do what I loved, travel and be free.
The rest of my year was just watching my friends celebrate life milestones which is great, I want my friends to live their best lives. But I felt my life was being defined by other people’s achievements. Which is not the life I want to look back on in 50 years.
I always live by the idea that if my life was a book or a film, I’d want to watch it. And to be honest? 90% of the time, I wouldn’t want to watch it. Between work commitments, family commitments and friend commitments, I currently have no time to focus on activities that would better me, my life or the world. On average, I have one night a week to focus on a hobby, but I am usually too tired.
So, we figured if we were to take the leap, now would be the best possible time, we do not have any children and financially, we can take care of ourselves. So when the opportunity for Daniel to get transferred into a job in the UK, we were silly not to take it.

Why move to London?
If you have been following me for a while, you’ll know I LOVE London and the UK in general. It was the second country I had ever first visited, in 2015 Then when we visited last year, I was interested to see if I still loved it; some 40 countries later. In 2018, I felt the same and if anything, stronger.
I have always felt more at home in England than in Australia. Australia is known for loving beer, sport and their overtly friendly loud attitude…… have you met me?
None of these qualities resonated with me. I do know that a lot of those qualities are mirrored in the UK, however, I find that because the UK is a lot older, cannot

What I’ll wont miss when I move to London
So, no I won’t miss the sports. Nothing is more awkward than me at a sports game. Nor will I miss the spiders and snakes,
I look forward to walking on soft grass, that isn’t sharp and spiky from lack of water. I look forward to getting $50 flights around Europe and never having a flight longer than 10 hours. Most of all I look forward to seasons matching the celebrations! Christmas in winter? Easter in Spring? Halloween in Autumn?! Yes, please!

What I will miss when I move to London
Despite all the smack talk I have dished on Australia, I will miss the most Australian thing of all, my friends and family.
I am not sure I will be able to prepare for the loneliness of not having my friends I grew up with, around the corner. I am fortunate that my friends and family share the same love of travel and I do, so we will be able to travel together and create great memories we wouldn’t have had otherwise.
To any friends and family who end up reading this, know that you are the reason I have hung around this long and the only reason I considered staying.

What’s next?
So these past 3 months have been some of the hardest and stressful in my entire life. But nothing worth having comes easy, so I know the best is yet to come.
I have been documenting the whole move over on my